Supper Smash Bros Mishonh From God Wikia

Sholk is a Christen character introduced in The REEL Sekwel. He is presumably based on the character Shulk, who originates from Xenoblade Chronicles. Sholk is British, and carries a magic sword called the Morondo. In contrast to the original Monado, the Morondo does not have a chosen one, evidenced by Sara using it without being affected. Sholk heavily believes that America is a better nation than Britain, and would prefer if Britain was colonized by America. Sholk mainly fulfills the role of Sara's boyfriend, since Marth now dates Gurl Roban.

Sholk returns in Teh Ultamint War Agenst Librul Evul. He is no longer dating Sara because he joined the Faith Miltank and works for the Hi Spearow.
